
February 22, 2018

Do Logos Need to Always Be Deceptively Simple?

Logos are informed by the vision and mission of a brand, company or organization. When done right and executed consistently, it takes on a life of its…
February 6, 2018

Networking for the Rest of Us: Building Social Capital

    I was shocked when I found out two important pieces of knowledge in the past 5 years: most successful entrepreneurs come from wealth and that…
December 15, 2015

Entrepreneurs: Beware of the Mountaintop Experience!

I looked up the word 'success' on Google and there are 1 billion results. I also searched for the word 'failure.' Guess how many results: 446 million.…
Youth mentoring
March 2, 2015

Mentoring Young Entrepreneurs: Part 1

Last week, I met two middle school students who want to start their own businesses. This is done through the Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA) and the meetings…