Case Studies: Publication Design
Case Studies: Publication Design
Publication design is the process of arranging content in a visually pleasing and comprehensible manner (print or digital). When designing, it is essential to consider the target audience and the purpose of the publication. The design elements (text, image, composition and color) play a significant role in attracting and retaining the readers’ attention.
M cover

CWB Guidelines-1

EPIP Prospectus Slide Deck_Page_01


Timoteo promo brochure

LSU guidelines2

2019 MC USA program book

Convention journal

Encounter Booklet


Magazine Insert

Fashion Show Invitation

Anniversary Booklet

We Got Soul!

Strategic Plan

Libertae Brochure

Donor brochure

The Charitas Foundation golf event

Nazareth Hospital Charity Run/Walk Packet

Libertae Marketing Pieces

Libertae Fact Sheet

Libertae Fact Sheet

Libertae marketing materials

We Got Soul!

Millennial Brochure

Print/Digital Holiday Appeal

Donor Packet

Recruitment Brochure
