I had the privilege of attending the Young Entrepreneurs Academy Investors Panel Competition on April 22nd at Rosemont College. Emmy awarding winning journalist Harry Hairston with NBC10 emceed the event. Thirteen youth, ages 11-15, did a 6 minute presentation about their idea complete with mission, objectives, goals, target audience, and financial forecasts. Each presentation culminated with an 'ask' and an amount. After that, the panel could ask the student three…
If you haven't figure it out yet, designing highly publicized logos is becoming like the Roman gladiator games. With the quick response and snarkiness of social media (the hordes), your logo can be mauled to death by wild lions before it gains its footing. Several high profile companies ran afoul of consumers (and a few designers) who used their new or rebranded logos as punching bags. In 2010, brand identity expert David Brier called out…
The Higher Ed. Branding series came about because my teenage son is receiving mail from U.S. colleges and universities. These promo materials come in the form of letters, postcards, magazines, catalogs, etc. (One college even sent a frisbee!) I decided to evaluate these materials and post my thoughts on twitter. Rochester Institute of Technology (R.I.T.) 9 x 11.75 Prospectus R.I.T. is a private university located in the Rochester, New York. It is composed…
Shubham Banerjee, a 13 year old inventor who used his legos to design a braille printer is on his way. Ten year old Mikaila Ulmer won $60,000 from Shark Tank investor Daymond John for Beesweet Lemonade and is on her way. Where are they going? They are part of a new breed of kidpreneurs using branding, technology, marketing trends and good ideas to make room for themselves. This is the age of…
Nonprofits are always the perennial underdog when it comes to marketing and graphic design. They depend on the altruism of donors and they also aren’t able to command media attention like for-profit companies. Every time Richard Branson or Tim Cook do something, the media is waiting with mouths hanging open to record their every move. Small to medium size nonprofits? Not so much. Large nonprofits seem to be doing fine…