Social Change

April 25, 2016

Better Branding is Needed for the National Museum of African American History and Culture

Dear Mr. Lonnie Bunch, I want you to know that, along with countless other people, I continue to be excited about the coming grand opening of the…
December 15, 2015

Entrepreneurs: Beware of the Mountaintop Experience!

I looked up the word 'success' on Google and there are 1 billion results. I also searched for the word 'failure.' Guess how many results: 446 million.…
December 3, 2015

How Sketching Can Improve the World

I bought each of my four children a sketchbook when they turned nine years old. All of them are creative in some way but my goal is not…
November 18, 2015

The Branding Success of Racial Protests at Mizzou

Did you know that American universities are in the business of branding? Of course you do! If you graduated from a Division 1 school with a football…
October 31, 2015

What Should Really Scare your Nonprofit?

No, I am not talking about the overload of candy your children will receive because of Halloween (although you should be concerned.) I am not referring to…