Social Change

October 31, 2017

Why Mentoring is Important for Young Designers of Color

I have been having more conversations with young designers of color these days. I see some phenomenal work coming from them. Most are formally trained and some…
October 26, 2017

We Won a Design Award! Wahoo! But Does it Mean Anything?

One of our projects for a philanthropic foundation won a 2017 Graphic Design USA award. Yay! It will be published along with the other winning entries in print,…
October 5, 2017

Exposing Kids of Color to Graphic Design

I take Pablo Picasso's quote seriously that every child is an artist. But I also take even more seriously this proverb from Tanzania's Bondei people: Sticks in…
September 19, 2017

What if the Design Industry Loved Black People as much as it Loves Black Culture?

Cultural Appropriation is a dirty word today. Well, depending how one uses it and what group feels violated, it has always been a dirty word. Today's entertainers are increasingly…
August 8, 2017

Does the NFL Brand Stifle Dissent?

One of the best kept secrets in the NFL is the contracts that players sign. The timeframe and amount of money that will be paid out is…