
July 20, 2021

Unicorns Are Real: Black Graphic Designers after George Floyd

The artwork above is an illustration for Amtrak Express magazine, 1983, by Reynold Ruffins, Change your perception of things and you will change your reality.  Milton Glaser,…
May 15, 2021

What My Childhood Nightmares about Typography Taught Me

Letters and words have their own kind of power in real life...and even in our dreams. "They've promised that dreams can come true - but forgot to…
June 23, 2020

An Open Letter to the White Graphic Design Community

Dear White Graphic Design Community, First off, I am not writing this letter on my behalf. I am writing this letter on behalf of African American graphic…
November 30, 2019

Part 2: When Seeing Isn’t Always Believing: Images in the Era of Fake News

This is Part 2 of a series exploring the context of constructed images and our perceptions through the media. Read Part 1 here. As a graphic design…
October 10, 2019

Part 1: When Seeing Isn’t Always Believing: Images in the Era of Fake News

This is Part 1 of a 2 part series exploring the context of constructed images and our perceptions through the media  In 1829, Sir Robert Peel developed…