Author Archive

May 22, 2018

Why Designers Should Be the Smartest People on the Planet

There is one phrase that all of the youth I have mentored over the years have heard me say at some point: readers are leaders.  I don't…
February 22, 2018

Do Logos Need to Always Be Deceptively Simple?

Logos are informed by the vision and mission of a brand, company or organization. When done right and executed consistently, it takes on a life of its…
February 6, 2018

Networking for the Rest of Us: Building Social Capital

    I was shocked when I found out two important pieces of knowledge in the past 5 years: most successful entrepreneurs come from wealth and that…
January 22, 2018

Design Thinking for Business Innovation

  This is an article I wrote for a client involved in creating social and economic value through innovative, creative and sustainable solutions for communities and organizations: Today, we…
December 6, 2017

4 Business Skills Graphic Designers Need

  I learned a long time ago that you should observe people's faces when you tell them that you are a graphic designer. Some light up and…