Author Archive

December 9, 2014

Your NonProfit is Behind the Curve If…

This is the time of year where all kinds of end-of-year ‘asks’ start showing up in your snail mail. Nonprofits know that people are trying to finish…
December 2, 2014

Workshop for Urban Youth Workers

A friend of mine asked me to develop a Saturday workshop for urban youth workers in Newark, NJ. I will keep you posted.
November 24, 2014

Who Shapes the Narrative in Ferguson, MO?

The verdict was announced and police officer Darren Wilson will not be charged with killing unarmed Michael Brown. I could write an article on the lack of…
November 20, 2014

Part 2: Entrepreneurship workshop at local high school

On Nov. 2o, I visited the senior class again at Carver HS of Engineering & Science. The teacher and I are helping to shape their senior projects.…
November 11, 2014

Part 1: Entrepreneurship workshop at local high school

This past summer, I met with the principal at Carver HS of Engineering & Science and asked if they taught entrepreneurship classes. Based on my experience teaching high…