Author Archive

July 16, 2015

SEO: Don’t Believe ALL the Hype

I enjoy Calvinball. Well, I enjoy reading about it. This is a game played by Calvin, a strong willed kid and his stuffed tiger Hobbes (that to…
June 30, 2015

What Marketers Arent Tellin You About Social Media…& It Aint Pretty

As a Brand Consultant, I deal with social media everyday. I monitor it for trending stories, images and ideas. I market and communicate about my own business…
June 1, 2015

What is the Difference between Advertising and Graphic Design?

TV and cable shows are filled with characters who work in the marketing and communication industries. From news anchors to radio personalities to advertising executives to thespians, these…
May 19, 2015

Youthworkers Workshop at Lake Champion

It is always a special treat to go to Young Life's Lake Champion. I have not been there since I moved on from Young Life in 2006.…
May 11, 2015

Design: Commodity or Investment?

According to website, over 12 million Africans were taken to the New World to be slaves. The majority of them went to the Caribbean and Brazil.…